The mandate of the Office is Administration and Management of Mineral Titles and Maintenance of Cadastre Registers
To deliver on this mandate, we:
Receive, consider and disposes applications for mineral titles and permits and application for the transfer, renewal, modification and relinquishment of mineral titles or extension of areas;
Grant, issue, suspend and (with the approval of the Minister) revoke mineral title;
Maintain a chronological record of all applications for mineral titles in the priority register and General Register and Maintain the Cadastral Registers;
Create and Maintain a database of all mineral titles and applications;
Create and maintain a cartographic database of all mineral titles and applications both paper and electronic formats (the cadastral maps).
This service is rendered within six (6) license categories, viz:
Priority based on First Come First Serve
Clear, stable, legal, and regulatory frameworks
Well-defined institutional responsibilities
Transparent and non-discretionary procedures
Use it or lose it
Conducive macro-economic environment for mining investment